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Getting Started with Astro: Building Fast Websites

Getting Started with Astro

Astro is a modern static site generator that lets you build lightning-fast websites with any framework you want. It's designed to ship less JavaScript to the browser, making your sites faster by default.

Why Choose Astro?

  • Performance: Astro websites are incredibly fast because they ship zero JavaScript by default
  • Flexible: Use React, Vue, Svelte, or any other framework you prefer
  • Easy to Learn: If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can build with Astro
  • Content-focused: Built-in support for Markdown, MDX, and content collections

Setting Up Your First Astro Project

Getting started with Astro is straightforward:

# Create a new project with npm
npm create astro@latest my-astro-project
# Or with yarn
yarn create astro my-astro-project

Once your project is created, you can start the development server:

cd my-astro-project
npm run dev

Building Pages

In Astro, pages are just .astro files in your src/pages directory. Each page automatically becomes a route on your site.

Here's a simple example:

// This is the frontmatter section
const pageTitle = "My First Astro Page";

    <p>Welcome to my Astro site!</p>


Astro makes it easy to build fast websites without sacrificing developer experience. Its island architecture gives you the best of both worlds: the performance of static HTML with the interactivity of JavaScript when you need it.

Start building with Astro today and see the difference it makes in your site's performance!

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